배우 정보석님의 성북동 카페, 우주제빵소 A famous Korean TV star's cafe in Seoul=후다닥여행24
배우 정보석님이 본인이 살던 집을 개조하여 카페를 열었다고 하여 성북동 갔다가 들려봤습니다 호기심에 갔지만 빵도 커피도 생각보다 맛있었고 경관도 좋아서 좋은 금요일 오후를 보냈습니다 마침 정보석 배우가 잠깐 카페에 들려서 만날 기회도 가졌네요 ㅎㅎ 여러분도 기회가 되면 한번 가보시면 좋을 것 같아요 I visited the cafe that actor Jeong, Bo-Seok (Jewelry Jeong)opened newly by remodeling the house in Seongbuk-dong where he lived I went out of curiosity, but the cake and coffee were more delicious than I expected, and the scenery was beautiful, so I had a wonderful Friday afternoon over there Also, actor Jeong, Bo-Seok(Jewelry Jeong) stopped by a cafe for a while and had a chance to meet him I f you have a chance, I think it would be good to visit there #배우정보석 #우주제빵소 #성북동베이커리