Call 표현 정리
#Love #you #all #so #much #for #watching ### Call 관련 표현 정리 1 **I need to call my friend to ask about the meeting ** (회의에 대해 물어보려고 친구에게 전화해야 합니다) *call = to make a phone call, 전화하다* 2 **The manager called an emergency meeting to discuss the issue ** (관리자가 문제를 논의하기 위해 긴급 회의를 소집했습니다) *call = to summon or convene, 소집하다* 3 **Please call me back when you’re free ** (시간이 될 때 다시 전화 주세요) *call back = to return a phone call, 다시 전화하다* 4 **We decided to call off the event due to bad weather ** (우리는 악천후 때문에 행사를 취소하기로 했습니다) *call off = to cancel, 취소하다* 5 **The teacher called on a student to answer the question ** (선생님이 질문에 답하라고 학생을 지목했습니다) *call on = to ask someone to speak, 지목하다* 6 **The workers called out the company for unfair practices ** (노동자들이 부당한 관행에 대해 회사를 비판했습니다) *call out = to criticize publicly, 비판하다* 7 **The captain calls the shots during the match ** (경기 중에는 주장이 결정을 내립니다) *call the shots = to be in charge or make decisions, 결정을 내리다* 8 **The witness’s testimony called his honesty into question ** (목격자의 증언이 그의 정직성을 의심하게 했습니다) *call into question = to doubt or challenge, 의문을 제기하다* 9 **The president called for unity among citizens ** (대통령은 국민 간의 단결을 요구했습니다) *call for = to demand or request, 요구하다* 10 **He answered the call of his homeland and returned to his country ** (그는 고향의 부름에 응하여 고국으로 돌아갔습니다) *call = a strong emotional or moral demand, 소명감* 11 **The bird’s call echoed through the forest ** (새의 울음소리가 숲속에 울려 퍼졌습니다) *call = a vocal sound, 울음소리* 12 **The ship called at several ports during its journey ** (그 배는 여정 중에 여러 항구에 들렀습니다) *call at = to stop at a place briefly, 잠시 들르다* 13 **They called the meeting to order and started the agenda ** (그들은 회의를 정리하고 안건을 시작했습니다) *call to order = to begin formally, 개회를 선언하다* 14 **She was called upon to lead the team during the crisis ** (그녀는 위기 상황에서 팀을 이끌도록 요청받았습니다) *call upon = to ask formally, 요청하다* 15 **The debate called into play his years of experience ** (그 논쟁은 그의 다년간의 경험을 활용하게 했습니다) *call into play = to make use of, 활용하다* #daily #english #vocabulary