Shifting Mindset: Life Happening for Us, Not to Us The Importance of Choices and Mindset

Shifting Mindset: Life Happening for Us, Not to Us The Importance of Choices and Mindset

--Balancing work and personal life requires setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Perseverance, positive self-talk, and personal growth can develop self-confidence. Being present and attentive in conversations and interactions is critical to building connections and showing care and respect. Being a good educator means being a genuine, kind, and compassionate person who values and listens to others. Educating from a leadership perspective involves being visible and present and building relationships with all stakeholders. 00:00-Introduction and Podcast Overview 02:52-Reframing Mindset: Life Happening for Us 09:03-Building Relationships in Education 12:54-Being Present, Visible, and Intentional 19:38-Balancing Work and Personal Life 28:10-The Power of Self-Reflection 34:36-Prioritizing and Balancing Life 36:26-The Power of Choices 38:59-Embracing Vulnerability and Self-Reflection 44:02-The Influence of Positive Circles 50:06-The Importance of Kindness and Compassion Links @Drchrisculver   / culvech   [email protected] Craig @Shapiro-WTHS   / craig-shapiro-7029b988