계속 걸으세요ㅣ동기부여
승리할 수 있는 유일한 방법, 오직 정면돌파 🎤 Speakers : 1) 황정민(배우) 2) 한석원(강사) 3) 이지영(강사) 4) 침착맨(작가, 유튜버) 5) 한석규(배우) 6) 이건희(기업인) 7) 김상중(탤런트, 영화배우) 8) 김미경(기업인) 9) 박서준(배우) 10) 조정석(배우) 11) 삽자루(강사) ♬ Music : Envato elments ❗❗FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER 1) This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them) 2) This video is also for teaching purposes 3) It is not transformative in nature 4) I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary 5) 'Fair use' is interpretable, so if the owner of the content used wants to delete the video, email me #동기부여 #공부자극 #성공 #마인드셋 #자기계발 #쓴소리