Try This for Insomnia or Night Waking During Pregnancy #pregnancyyoga #pregnancy #prenatalyoga

Try This for Insomnia or Night Waking During Pregnancy #pregnancyyoga #pregnancy #prenatalyoga

Changing hormones and the anxiety of pregnancy can cause sleepless nights or night waking. Do this breathing technique called alternate nostril breathing for 5 minutes before bedtime to calm your mind. Prenatal yoga class, all levels and all trimesters. Join me for a prenatal yoga session to help calm your mind, ease the pain in your changing body, and connect with your growing baby. Disclaimer: Please clear it with your healthcare provider before starting this prenatal yoga class or any other exercise program. Use your common sense and stop if you experience pain or shortness of breath. No claims are being made about specific outcomes of the content on this channel. Email Michelle: Website: #pregnancy #insomniarelief #prenatalyoga