October 15, 2023, Sunday School - Jeremiah 30 & 31 Tribulation, New Covenant, Literal Interpretation

October 15, 2023, Sunday School - Jeremiah 30 & 31 Tribulation, New Covenant, Literal Interpretation

October 15, 2023, Sunday School - Jeremiah 30 & 31, The Tribulation, New Covenant, and Literal Interpretation of Scripture Congregational Reading - Matthew 10:1-21, a time of ministry to the Jew only Lesson Highlights - Literal Interpretation of Scripture is important: you shouldn't spiritualize these truths away! One example is Jeremiah 30:9, where David will be raised from the dead. Six more things to know: 1) the future rule of a King [23:5] 2) the restoration of the Jews from all countries [23:7] 3) the bringing again the captivity (freedom) of the LORD'S people Israel and Judah [30:3] 4) the human and animal inhabiting the land of Israel [31:37] 5) the new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah [31:31] 6) the building of the city from one definite point to another [31:38] These are literal and definite. The new covenant is with the house of Israel and Judah, not with the New Testament church. The new covenant is broader than the new testament, including the complete regathering of the Jews, the throne of David, the curse being lifted off the earth, as well as spiritual conversion. Under the New Testament, God also puts His law in our inward parts as Christ dewlls in our hearts by faith.