#CAMM mass service - 4pm, January 15, 2023
The Christ’s Ambassadors Music Ministry (#CAMM) sings at the Diocesan Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word at Christ the King Mission Seminary, Quezon City - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 15, 2023 during the 4:00pm Holy Mass. *** May the holy Triune God bless you always and in all ways! #RootedInTheWord #SVD #DSJDW #WitnessToTheWord #SVDmission #DivineWord #ThinkMission #ThinkSVD #commitedToHISmission #SVDmisyonero #PromotionToLOVEtheWORDofGOD #YAC #toGODbeTheGlory #CAMMprogress #AllForTheGloryOfGOD #CAMMperformance #CAMMrocks #CAMMazing #SingToTheLord #SingAndPraiseGod #CAMMmassService #VivaPitSeñor #SundayService