How to Get Rid of Black Vine Weevils [4 Easy Steps!]

How to Get Rid of Black Vine Weevils [4 Easy Steps!] Click the link to learn more about black vine weevils and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video! Shop for a Hose-End Sprayer here! Shop for Dominion 2L here! Shop for Supreme I/T here! --- Want to skip ahead? Introduction: 0:00 Step 1: Identification: 0:36 Step 2: Inspection: 1:15 Step 3: Treatment: 2:20 Step 4: Prevention: 4:20 --- Adult black vine weevils are small insects that grow up to ½ an inch in length. These insects have pear-shaped bodies that appear black in body color, but you can see lighter spots of gold if you can look closely. Black vine weevils have wings but are incapable of flight as they crawl from place to place. Like all weevils, the black vine weevil has long snout-like mouthparts. The larvae have soft, white bodies that grow up to half an inch in length. They have orange or brown head capsules, and are usually found curled up in a C-shape. Black vine weevils are drawn to moist environments and infiltrate the root systems and leaves of trees, shrubs, and other ornamentals. They commonly infest trees like hemlock and broad-leaved plants like rhododendron or yews. During consistently hot, dry weather, these pests can even enter homes via cracks and crevices around plumbing and foundations. These insects are fairly harmless indoors, unless you have potted plants. Adult black vine weevils emerge from May to late June and feed on foliage, with populations peaking towards late summer to early fall. The adults feed for four weeks, then eggs are laid in the soil near the bases of plants. The eggs hatch in about 2 to 3 weeks, then they spend about 8 months developing as larvae. If you’re looking for the adults, know that black vine weevils are nocturnal feeders. Look for notches chewed into foliage, then look for the adults themselves. If disturbed, they will fall to the ground and may become difficult to spot. If you’re looking for larvae, look out for signs of root-feeding damage like yellowing, wilting, stunted growth, branch death, and loss of leaves. You can dig 4 inches beneath the turf to find any larvae. Before any pesticide application, calculate your treatment area’s square footage. Measure the area’s length and width and multiply them together. You’ll use this to determine how much product you’ll be using. To treat a black vine weevil infestation, you’ll need to use a combination of systemic and contact products to target as many pests and ensure total elimination. We recommend high-volume treatments, so we suggest you apply your pesticides with a hose-end sprayer. First, apply a product like Dominion 2L. Dominion 2L is a liquid concentrate made with imidacloprid. When applied properly, this product will translocate throughout a treated plant and kill pests that feed on the roots or the leaves, so this product is perfect for killing adult or larval black vine weevils. To target black vine weevils in trees, you’ll want to apply a drench application around the base at a rate of 0.1 to 0.4 fluid ounces of Dominion 2L per 10 gallons of water over 1,000 square feet. To target black vine weevils in shrubbery, the application rate changes to 1 to 2 fluid ounces. Directly apply the solution to the plant’s root area, then allow the treatment to fully dry. Next, you’ll want to apply a broad-spectrum, repelling insecticide like Supreme I/T. Supreme I/T is a liquid insecticide concentrate made with bifenthrin. To target black vine weevils, apply Supreme I/T at a rate of 0.25 to 0.5 fluid ounces of product per 1 gallon over 1,000 square feet. Apply the product over ornamental shrubbery on your property, and make sure to treat both over the foliage and the undersides of leaves. Spray until wet, and allow the product to dry completely. Supreme I/T will leave behind a residual barrier that will repel pests from treated areas for up to 90 days. Adult black vine weevils and other labeled pests that make contact with the spray or its residual will have their nervous systems impacted and die after several hours. Click the link to learn more about pest control and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video! Thanks for watching! #diypestcontrol #solutionspestandlawn #weevils