The Real Reason Why JESUS Fasted For 40 Days And Night (This Will Really Amaze You)

The Real Reason Why JESUS Fasted For 40 Days And Night (This Will Really Amaze You)

In Exodus 34 verse 28; Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights while he was on Mount Sinai, receiving the Ten Commandments from God. and then when you read Luke 4 verse 1 to 2,  Jesus also fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness before he began his ministry. So the culture of fasting for 40 Days and nights did not only happen in the new testament, but also in the old testament. But the big question here is that, why did Jesus fast for 40days and 40 nights? For us to understand this, we will have to look at how it all began in the new testament; According to Luke chapter 4, Jesus Christ already knew the long awaited time for the start of his ministry was due, so he went to John the Baptist to be baptized. Initially, John did not want to Baptize Jesus because he knew very well that, the man standing before him was far greater than him. But for Prophecy to be fulfilled, John finally accepted and decided to Baptize Jesus. John knew very well according to revelation that, the one whom the dove settles upon is the son of God who will take away the sins of the world. Immediately after he had baptized Jesus, his suspicions was confirmed as the spirit of God rested upon him in the form of a dove and then a voice came out of the heavens saying; "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased", all these happened that the word of God will be fulfilled. Immediately after Jesus was Baptized, he was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to fast and be temped for 40 days and nights.  So Jesus being full of the Holy Spirit went into the wilderness, where he fasted for 40 days and night without food nor water. So the Big question is, why did Jesus have to Fast for 40 Days and night before the start of his earthly ministry. To understand this, let's go back to the Old Testament, fasting for 40days and night have been a devine pattern that God usually uses in preparing, purifying and beginning dispensations. In Exodus, before God gave his convenant to Moses, who was the face of the old covenant, he told him to climb Mount Sinai alone just as the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness, and then made him abstain from food and water for 40 days In his presence, this act was not only used by God to prepare and to purify Moses, but also to fortify him for the great task or assignment which was ahead of him. If you read the Bible very well in the Book of Exodus, you will realise that, the Israelites were already growing tired and were starting to drift away from the leadings and instructions of God, they were already in the process of making idols for themselves in the form of Golden calves, and Moses was gradually loosing the strength to lead the same people who were in the process of rebelling against God, so when God called Moses to Mount Sinai where he fasted for 40 days and night, he recieved fortification and the strength to complete the assignment which God had given him. Jesus Christ on the other hand was also in a position of commencing what later became the most important assignment in the history of the world, and for such assignment, the Holy Spirit also took him through the 40 days fasting period to strengthen and prepare him spiritually for the great task that was ahead of him. And we can practically see how he got tempted by Satan just after he ended his fast, which was a solid proof that he indeed needed the spiritual strengthening and preparation before the start of his earthly ministry. But I know a lot of people might be asking, since Jesus Christ is the son of God, did he really need to be strengthened or prepared for the task ahead of him? You see, though this question is a valid question but there is one thing we should understand here, though Jesus Christ did not have the ability to sin because of the seed that lead to his birth was not human but devine, he still was subject to physical emotions like pain, and mostly had to still spend time with the father. This ensured that, he spirit always have a hundred percent domination over the flesh which was very vital to the sucess of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry. Jesus' 40 days fast also proved his dominance over the flesh and anything that pertains unto it. Fasting in itself is a way through which we deprive our flesh of it's comfortability so that our spirit man can dominate, and Jesus' 40 days fast was also a way through which Jesus announced his victory over the flesh to the devil and his demons, no wonder Satan had to try to persuade him to fall to his schemes just as he did with Adam and eve in the garden, but Jesus' victory over Satan after his fast proved his superiority over the flesh and the Kingdom of darkness.