IF OR Function (IF With OR) | Logical Function | Rohit Narang

IF OR Function (IF With OR) | Logical Function | Rohit Narang

IF with OR function helps to use multiple logics at single time. ⏱️⏱️VIDEO Topics⏱️⏱️ 00:00 Introduction 00:15 Subscribe my channel for more videos 00:27 How OR function work in excel ? 00:42 How to use IF with OR function in excel? 🔔Subscribe for more videos just like this: https://youtube.com/channel/UCzHI7mNy... to learn excel: 1. Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to Advanced 2. Learn the most common Excel functions used in the Office 3. Maintain large sets of Excel data in a list or table 4. Wow your boss by unlocking dynamic formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH functions and many more 5. Build a solid understanding on the Basics of Microsoft Excel 6. Harness the full power of Microsoft Excel by automating your day to day tasks through Macros and VBA 7. Create dynamic reports by mastering one of the most popular tools, PivotTables THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW =============================== 🎬 - MOST RECENT VIDEO (Excel Course | Class 11):    • Class 11 | Excel Course in 14 Days Fo...   🎬 - Forecast Formula in Excel:    • Forecast Formula in Excel | Rohit Nar...  SOCIAL =============================== 👥 - FACEBOOK:   / advanceexcelforadvancement   👥 - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invites/con... 🐦 - Twitter:   / rohitexcel10   👥 - Linkdin:   / rohit-narang-062781212   #Ifwithoffunction #iffunction #orfunction #ifandor #exceltutorial #advanceexcel -if function symbols, excel if wildcards, excel if function, excel interview questions for business analyst