Wednesday of the 22nd Week | Homily of Rev. Fr. Joenick Territorio
Theme: "The Prophetic Significance of the Child: Simeon's Revelation and Mary's Sorrow" What are the things that will happen to a person who chooses Jesus? 1.) Contradiction: When Simeon says, "This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel," he is alluding to the fact that Jesus will bring about a division or contradiction among the people of Israel. Some will accept and follow Jesus, experiencing a spiritual "rising" or elevation in their faith and understanding. Others, however, will reject him, leading to their spiritual "falling" or a decline in their faith and beliefs. In essence, Jesus' presence and message will challenge existing beliefs and create a division among the people. 2.) Opposition: Simeon also mentions that Jesus will be "a sign that will be opposed." This means that there will be individuals and groups who actively resist and oppose Jesus and his teachings. Opposition can take various forms, including verbal disputes, rejection of his message, attempts to discredit him, and even physical persecution. This opposition arises from differing beliefs, ideologies, and the threat that some may perceive in Jesus' teachings and claims. 3.) Revelation of Hearts: When people choose Jesus, it often results in a deeper understanding of their inner thoughts and motivations. Simeon's statement that Jesus will be a sign that reveals the inner thoughts of many implies that accepting Christ can lead to self-reflection, repentance, and a clearer perception of one's spiritual condition.