Diving Deeper: Mere Christianity with Fr. Andrew: February 18, 2024 at 5pm

Diving Deeper: Mere Christianity with Fr. Andrew: February 18, 2024 at 5pm

Diving Deeper: Mere Christianity with Fr. Andrew, LIVE in the Parish Hall at Church of the Messiah. An interactive class going through Lewis’s classic explanation of the Christian faith one chapter at a time with discussion, Scriptural background, and life application. Also makes use of the excellent resources from some of the top scholars who contributed to Discussing Mere Christianity. We also invite you to join us for one of our services in person, each Sunday! Sunday: 8:00 am Traditional, 9:30 am Blended Music, 11:00 am Contemporary, 4:00 pm (French & Creole) 5:00 pm Bible Study, 7:00 pm Casual Service Wednesday: Healing Service 10:00 am & Bible Study at 11:00 am