#Ep.114/ [오후산책] 잘생긴녀석들(?)/ 재밌는 시간 Handsome guys /an interesting time
#오후산책 #자연 #nature 안녕하세요! 풀꽃화가입니다 늦은 아침을 먹고 오후산책길에 얼어버린 작은연못을 보고 있었어요 얼음사진을 찍다가 잘생긴녀석들을 만났는데 함께 즐겨 보실까요!^ ^ Hello! I'm a grass flower artist I had a late breakfast and went for a walk in the afternoon I was looking at a little frozen pond I met handsome guys while I was taking pictures of ice Let's enjoy it together:) #풀꽃화가 #오후산책 #얼음 #자연 #자연관찰 #자연교감 #자연치유 #재미있는 #Frozen #Interesting #nature #naturaltherapy #relaxation @leesart3193