Day 53 - Slow To Speak, Slow to Anger, Quick to Listen (A Struggle)
Wake up at 6-7am ❌ Morning routine ✅ Make bed ✅ Warm shower✅ Morning Prayer ✅ Romans 12✅ Continue Bible Reading Plan✅ Practice communication for 15+ minutes ❌ Write down 10 things I’m thankful for ❌ Go outside for at least 10 mins ✅ Read at least 10 pages ❌ Light morning workout ✅ Lift/gym/recover ❌ Spend hour on side hustles ❌ No scrolling longer than 10 mins ❌ 15 minutes of praise music ✅ Post 2-3 videos ❌ at least 2 hours of Deep Work and/or editing ❌ Connect with online Community ❌ journal ❌ Nightly prayer✅ Nightly routine ❌ 10:30-11 pm bed ❌