The War Within Patch 11.1 Tier List w/ The WoW Community
Social media & stream: / maximum / maximum Huge shoutout to everyone for coming on, check them out! megasett: / megasett dorki: / dorki taeznak: / taeznak jedith: / jedith Tettles: / tettles Azortharion: / azortharion Wordup: / von_wordup Kalamazi: / kalamazi Critcake: / critcakeeu Publik: / publikpriest Automaticjak: / automaticjak Preheat: / preheat Psybear: / psybear_tv Foreverguy: / forever_guy Hawkcorrigan: / hawkcorrigan Seiryoku: / seiryokutv Hey guys! you know what time it is. It's time to rate every class going into the 11.1 patch on the most objective tier list of all time. Love you bye. Join our community discord: / discord For Business please contact: [email protected] 0:00 - THE GREAT DISCLAIMER 0:32 - Mistweaver w/ Megasett 6:35 - The Rest of the Healers w/ Automaticjak 9:05 - Holy & Discipline Priest 14:23 - Restoration Druid 17:17 - Preservation Evoker 19:43 - Holy Paladin 21:58 - Restoration Shaman 25:37 - Tanks w/ Dorki 25:55 - Protection Warrior 28:39 - Guardian Druid 30:01 - Blood Death Knight 31:59 - Vengeance Demon Hunter 34:58 - Brewmaster Monk 36:45 - Protection Paladin 41:25 - Dorki the physical specimen 42:53 - Automaticjak revising healers 47:02 - Death Knight w/ Taeznak 55:10 - ANOTHER IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER THAT COMPLETELY OVERWRITES THE OTHER DISCLAIMER 55:45 - Havoc Demon Hunter w/ Jedith 1:01:30 - Warrior w/ Critcake 1:08:28 - Hunter w/ Azortharion 1:22:31 - Enhancement Shaman w/ Wordup 1:30:02 - Warlock w/ Kalamazi 1:38:27 - Shadow Priest w/ Publik 1:47:27 - Mage w/ Porom 1:55:33 - Balance Druid w/ Tettles 2:00:05 - Augmentation Evoker w/ Tettles 2:07:29 - Devastation Evoker w/ Preheat 2:17:42 - Windwalker Monk w/ Seiryoku 2:25:17 - WARRIOR UPDATE 2:26:30 - Elemental Shaman w/ Hawkcorrigan 2:35:04 - ENHANCEMENT SHAMAN UPDATE 2:35:50 - Feral Druid w/ Psybear 2:42:03 - Rogue w/ Foreverguy 2:49:02 - Ret Paladin w/ Bathguy #maximum #liquidmaximum #thewarwithin