10:30am Contemporary - March 2nd, 2025 - Confronting Distractions: I Almost Forgot
Join us for Contemporary Worship Sunday, March 2nd as Pastor Bobby concludes our sermon series "Could've, Should've, Would've: Confronting the Distractions that Limit Our Lives" with a message titled "I Almost Forgot" based on Psalm 73. In Psalm 73, the psalmist drops a bombshell: at one point in his life, he almost lost sight of the goodness of God. Have you ever been there? Have you ever been so distracted, so overwhelmed, so confused, so whatever that you almost forgot about what is most true and most foundational to the good life: the goodness of God? Life comes at us in so many ways and if we're not careful, we can lift our eyes off God's goodness just long enough that we begin to forget what we were sure we'd always remember. Thankfully, the psalmist tells us that just before it was too late, something absolutely reset his vision and understanding: he experienced the presence of God. This week, we'll explore some distractions which, if we're not careful, can blind us to God's goodness and more importantly, ways we can rediscover our first love in God, through Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.