INFINITE STRIKER SHOTGUN VS ALL Boss Fight || Professional Gameplay | Resident evil 4 Remake
The Striker is a Shotgun in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. It is the updated version of Resident Evil 4's Striker, maintaining many of the same properties.The Striker is the speediest of all the Shotguns and has a massive ammo capacity to go along with it. It technically has the lowest Power of all the Shotguns, but only after Exclusives, meaning it is actually the strongest Shotgun in the game if you can't afford that final upgrade. So in the end, the riot gun wins. Strikers wider spread makes it better for crowd control. If it still has it's ammo perk, I wouldn't find it that useful if you don't have enough ammo to put in the striker. Riot Shotgun is good for ranged fights, to keep distance on you, and does still offer crowd control. Striker. The Striker is a mag-fed shotgun in the RE4 remake with a drum magazine, a circular mag with a max capacity of 48 shells. At max, it has 16.2 power, making it the second-deadliest shotgun in the game. However, its wider spread makes it less effective in long-range combat than some of the other shotgun choices. 🔴Subscribe - ‪@BITT.U‬ #residentevil4remake #gameplay #bossfight #xbox