Pity party ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆft. Melanie Martinez #tomioka  #giyuu #giyuutomioka #demonslayer #gacha #gachalife2

Pity party ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆft. Melanie Martinez #tomioka #giyuu #giyuutomioka #demonslayer #gacha #gachalife2

This took forever! Hope you like it! Btw write down in the comments if I should make the hashira react to it? And also write down the comments if I should make the continuation of the song and write would I should put for that part! Last but not least write down in the comments some dares that I should give the hashiras for an upcoming video and also write #nyshoutout And yes the ny at the start is needed and if you write this down in the comments I will give you a shoutout on the next video I make! And I will also pin the person who puts the funniest demon slayer joke in the comments and ya thatโ€™s it Last but not least I hope you enjoy the video! Warnings: -cringe -maybe spelling errors? -cursing? Btw ft.Melanie Martinez The song:pity party made by Melanie Martinez YouTube pls donโ€™t give me a copyright issue!!