Make Fresh Veg Italian Cheese Toast Bruschetta at Home

Make Fresh Veg Italian Cheese Toast Bruschetta at Home

Easy Bruschetta Recipe Best Italian Finger Food Party Appetizer Recipe Learn how to make Bruschetta Recipe. This Bruschetta is a Best Italian Finger Food Appetizer Recipe which is perfect for any Party or any Occasions or any time of the day. This is a Simple, Easy and Delicious Recipe and loved by all age groups. Indian Style Bruschetta Bread Slice - 4 Tomato Slices - 10 Capsicum Slices - 10 Onion Slices - 10 Green chilli - 1 finely slit Garlic Pods - 2 pods to rub Cheese - 1/3 cup Salt - to taste Chlli flakes Powder mayonnaise paste Pizza mix Powder Oregano Powder Bake at 200° C for 10 - 12 mins #easy #bruschetta #partyfood #appetizer Make Fresh Veg Italian Toast Bruschetta at Home Everyone knows now a days about cooking techniques how much to add the ingredients and the quantity to make it more delicious food/Dish but here in Foodiyapa you will get Free techniques of chopping / Slicing Fruits vegetable and meat, including Bakery items as well. Everybody Loves to cook food when you are at home or when you are at your favourite outing destinations, but the most tedious part of cooking is cutting, chopping and slicing of fruits, veggies and meat the cleaning, peeling of the skin and so on. It consumes lot of time so, I want to make life easier for Food Lovers who loves to cook for your loved ones at home and impress them. With these techniques you can be little quick in your cooking. Hope you like the video and please Subscribe to my Channel and PRESS the LIKE BUTTON if you like the video. #SamarthHaveri #LetsDoFoodiyapa