If He’s Doing These 5 Things He’s Seeing What He Can Get Away With

If He’s Doing These 5 Things He’s Seeing What He Can Get Away With

Toxic men don’t break your boundaries all at once—they test them slowly. The sooner you notice, the sooner you can walk away.  Here’s how to spot the signs early: 1️⃣ He Pushes for More Than You’re Comfortable With
He acts like it’s no big deal when you say no.
Example: “Come on, just one more drink… Just come over for a minute…”
Why It Exposes Him: If he won’t respect small boundaries, he won’t respect big ones either. 2️⃣ He "Playfully" Dismisses Your Preferences
Your opinions don’t seem to matter.
Example: You say you don’t like horror movies, and he books tickets for one anyway.
Why It Exposes Him: It starts small, but ignoring your feelings isn’t playful—it’s dismissive. 3️⃣ He Jokes About Things That Make You Uncomfortable
He says something hurtful, then laughs it off.
Example: “Wow, you’re really gonna eat all that?” or “Oh, so you’re one of those girls who—”
Why It Exposes Him: He’s testing how much he can get away with. If you ignore it now, he’ll push further later. 4️⃣ He Pretends Not to Hear Your ‘No’
He acts like he didn’t hear you—so you have to repeat yourself.
Example: You say you have an early morning, and he keeps insisting you stay out later.
Why It Exposes Him: Good men listen the first time. If he ignores your no now, he’ll ignore it later. 5️⃣ He Frames His Disrespect as a ‘Difference of Opinion’
He does something shady, then calls you dramatic for caring.
Example: You bring up something that made you uncomfortable, and he says, “We just see things differently.”
Why It Exposes Him: Healthy partners work through issues together—not dismiss them as opinions. My Final Thought:
The right man won’t test your boundaries—he’ll respect them.  If something feels off, trust that feeling. Comment “GUIDE”  to spot the boundary breakers FAST!