OL URC LIVE STREAM - [12/29/2024 AM] -  Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare - Matthew 2:1-12; Rev. 12

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [12/29/2024 AM] - Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare - Matthew 2:1-12; Rev. 12

The morning and evening sermons will be from Matthew 2 and Revelation 12, taking in the theme of the protection of the newborn Babe, our Savior along with the protection needed by the church militant in our day. Let's rejoice together about our safety in Christ. --------- December 29, 2024 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 135 – Christ Shall Have Dominion WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 78 – Judge Me, God of My Salvation WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund and Reformed Mission Services Work in Ukraine (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 116 (Red) We Three Kings of Orient Are Scripture Reading: Matthew 2.1-12; Revelation 12 Text: Matthew 2.1-12 Message: “Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 123 (Red) Who Is He in Yonder Stall? *Benediction *Doxology: 165 (Red) Rejoice, the Lord is King Organ Postlude *Please stand if able ------------- Matthew 2.1-12 Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare Revelation 12 Theme: The Lord parades worshipers of His Gift right under the enemy’s nose 1. The Lord controls nature to draw the worshipers, 1-2 2. The Lord causes the enemy to be repulsed in terror, 3-8 3. The Lord creates the perfect setting for thankful worship, 9-12