What Is Nephrotic Syndrome? | नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम क्या है? | Dr. Kunal Pai | Pediatric Nephrologist

What Is Nephrotic Syndrome? | नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम क्या है? | Dr. Kunal Pai | Pediatric Nephrologist

In this video, we will discuss What is Nephrotic Syndrome, How does it occur, Who are more prone or vulnerable to have this syndrome, it's symptoms, diet plans to follow when it occurs, how to diagnose this syndrome and What are the Treatment options available for Nephrotic syndrome. If you find this video informative, share it with your family, friends & relatives and help spread awareness about Nephrotic Syndrome among the masses. For more such informative videos, Don't forget to like this video and Subscribe to our channel. If you have any queries regarding this topic or any other kidney related problems, feel free to drop down your comments below in the comment section. It will be my pleasure to serve you all. To connect with the doctor: For kidney and urinary tract-related queries for your child contact: 📞 Call/Whatsapp: +91 98333 57343 Email: [email protected] Follow to receive regular updates on health-related content Instagram:   / drkunalpai   Facebook:   / drkunalpai   Twitter:   / drkunalpai2   Linkedin:   / kunal-pai.  . --------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: nephrotic syndrome nephrotic syndrome in hindi nephrotic syndrome in children nephrology nephrology doctor nephrotic syndrome case presentation pediatrics nephrotic syndrome vs nephrotic nephrotic syndrome treatment nephrotic syndrome pathology nephrotic syndrome and nephrotic nephrotic syndrome pediatrics in hindi nephrotic syndrome medicine lecture nephrotic syndrome pediatrics nephrotic syndrome osmosis What Is Nephrotic Syndrome? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम क्या है? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम कैसे होता हैं ? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम कब हो सकता हैं ? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम के लक्षण? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम होने पर क्या करें ? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम के टेस्ट कौनसे होते हैं ? नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम में आहार? nephrotic nephrologist kidney disease treatment of nephrotic syndrome nephritic syndrome nephrotic syndrome causes nephrotic syndrome lecture in hindi nephrotic syndrome causes in hindi nephrotic syndrome hindi lecture meaning of nephrotic syndrome in hindi