(사유리의) 비혼 출산에 대해 영어로 말하기 (20년 11월 방송, 영어토론)
PDF문서: http://www.practicus.co.kr/admin/uplo... 블로그 보기 https://blog.naver.com/knowhereman Summary One decision by a female celebrity is sending ripples through Korean society. Sayuri Fujita, a Japanese national and a TV celebrity in Korea, recently announced that she gave birth to a child without being married. She got pregnant through artificial insemination by using a sperm bank in Japan. After her announcement, most Koreans learned that Korean law prohibits unmarried women from becoming a mother through sperm donation. The 41-year-old Japanese said that she wanted a baby but did not want to conform to traditional east Asian standards of being married. This message of hers reverberates with many young Korean women. Through her announcement, she unintentionally asked two important questions about Korean society: how can we define a family? Do unmarried women have the right to give birth to a child through sperm donation? While many are standing by Sayuri’s side, there are those who are not in favor of her decision. They say that her decision is not necessarily right from a child’s perspective. Emphasizing the role of a father in a family, they say that such single mothers should think about the future of the child who is denied the existence of their biological father from the beginning. In our society now, there is a lot of talk about women’s rights. Also, the traditional concept of a family is required to be changed. Many say that the issue of unmarried women’s childbirth through sperm donation should be considered within the frame of the changing definition of what a “family” is. It is not an easy issue but needs to be discussed. Keywords / Key Sentences 1. 국내법에 의하면, 여성이 임신을 위해 정자를 기증받으려면 배우자와 기증 남성의 동의가 있어야 한다. 비혼 여성에게는 불가능한 제도다. Under Korean law, a woman can give birth to a child through sperm donation only as long as both her husband and the sperm donor consent. Unmarried women are not allowed to practice artificial insemination outside of marriage. As the law states, fertility treatment though a sperm donor is allowed if all parties including a husband agree to the procedure. Single women, by law, are subject to prosecution if they get pregnant through a sperm donor. Artificial insemination is only allowed for married couples. It is against the law for unmarried women to get pregnant using sperm donation. 2. 결혼은 부담스럽지만 아이는 낳아 기르고 싶다는 여성들이 있다. 이들에게 정자 기증을 통한 임신은 해결책이 될 수 있다. Many women say that they don’t want a traditional married life but want a baby. For these women, childbirth through sperm donation should be allowed. Women want the opportunity to raise a child without getting married. There shouldn’t be any regulations on what women want to do with their bodies. Denying women the right to choose makes many of them upset about the possibility of being childless. The decision is ultimately up to the individual. 3. 아이의 입장에서 생각할 필요가 있다. 태어나면서부터 생물학적 아버지가 부재한 셈인데, 과연 아이를 위한 최선의 선택인가? We should think about the issue from the child’s perspective. The child is denied the existence of a biological father in the family from the beginning. Can it be the best choice for the child? One thing to consider is the feelings of the child. The child did not choose to be raised by a single mother and societal pressure may have negative effects on the child as they grow up. In this case, you need to think what is best for the child. Looking ahead, how will the child feel, growing up fatherless? The absence of a traditional family in a conservative society could have long-lasting psychological effects. 4. 가족의 개념이 변화하고 있다는 큰 틀에서 고민할 문제다. 비혼모, 동거 커플 등도 모두 가족 형태로 인정하고 출산도 지원해야 한다. We should look at the bigger picture. Now the definition of a “family” is changing. Non-married mothers and cohabitating couples should be acknowledged as a family, and their childbirth should be supported accordingly by society. We need to take a step back and look at this from another angle. The traditional nuclear family is not what it used to be. Unwed mothers’ and unmarried couples’ decision to raise children should be praised and not be regulated by the government. Single parent homes and domestic partnerships need to be looked at more closely in Korea. If these people who are not married in a traditional sense can raise a child independently, why should the government step in and control what happens to people’s personal decisions on how to live their lives? #키워드스피킹 #프랙티쿠스