Outer Banks: Winner Takes All | Hot Ones Versus
Madelyn Cline, Chase Stokes, Madison Bailey, J.D., Carlacia Grant, Rudy Pankow, and Drew Starkey are the stars of the Netflix mega-hit Outer Banks. Today, these cast mates have two choices: Tell the truth, or suffer the wrath of the Last Dab. Whoever eats the most wings, loses! From the storyline that should’ve never made it out of the writer’s room, to which cast member is the least convincing teenager, these friends will either need to be honest or go head-to-head with the Wings of Death. Can Chase summarize every Outer Banks storyline in 30 seconds? Who will be the last one standing in a game of musical chairs? Tune in to an all-new episode of Hot Ones Versus, and see who takes home the golden chicken wing trophy! BUY HOT ONES HOT SAUCE NOW: https://fwfea.st/hotsauces TRY THE HOT ONES BONELESS CHICKEN BITE CHALLENGE: https://fwfea.st/chickenbites BUY HOT ONES TRUTH OR DAB: THE GAME: http://truthordabgame.com SIGN UP FOR THE HOT ONES MONTHLY HOT SAUCE SUBSCRIPTION: https://bit.ly/2veY50P SIGN UP FOR THE FIRST WE FEAST NEWSLETTER: http://firstwefeast.com/signup SUBSCRIBE TO FIRST WE FEAST ON YOUTUBE: http://goo.gl/UxFzhK MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY DONATING TO COMMON THREADS, THE OFFICIAL CHARITY PARTNER OF HOT ONES: https://www.commonthreads.org/firstwe... http://firstwefeast.com/ / firstwefeast / hotones / firstwefeast / firstwefeast