Have you ever dreamt of getting the most popular girl at school? If you get tongue-tied around that very girl, our tutorial will be really helpful for you. Tim will help you get a girl to like you and he will show you things you should never do to your crush. You’d better not try some of them. ♥️ WATCH NEXT EPISODE - • 7 WAYS TO GET A POPULAR BOY XO TEAM TIKTOK — / xoteam XO TEAM INSTAGRAM — / the_xo_team XO TEAM SNAPCHAT - / xoteamhouse XO TEAM LIKE — https://l.likee.video/p/7xpwaj ♥️ XO TEAM FAMILY INSTAGRAM: Kika Kim | / kikakim Danilis Boom | / danilis.pr Bad Barbie | / badbaarbie Maks Nemcev | / maks.nemcev Kristi Krime | / kristi.krime Chanderland | / chanderlandd TIM | / timursorokin Alisha Kone | / aalishass Dasha Dzhakeli | / dzhakeli Elza | / elsarca Gary Grey | / artistgary Mary Senn | / marysenn Eva Miller | / miller.ev Beembi | / beembi__ nevaaadaa | / nevaaadaa kolunya | / kolunya___ ♥️ XO TEAM FAMILY TIKTOK: Kika Kim | / kikakiim Danilis Boom | / danilis_boom Bad Barbie | / badbaarbie Maks Nemcev | / maks.nemcev Kristi Krime | / kristikrime Chanderland | / chanderland TIM | / timursorokin Gary Grey | / artistgary Mary Senn | / marysenn Eva Miller | / evamillerunicorn Alisha Kone | / alishhaa Dasha Dzhakeli | / dashadzhakeli Elza | / elsarca Beembi | / beembi nevaaadaa | / neevaaada kolunya | / kolunya___ #XOTEAM #howto #pickup