Worship at First English 7th Sunday of Easter May 29 2022 Philippians 2

Worship at First English 7th Sunday of Easter May 29 2022 Philippians 2

It’s the 7th Sunday of Easter and Memorial Day weekend on May 29. The 10 am service dealt with our call to be compassionate. Worship was led by the Rev. Sandra Carlson Alexis, who preached on Philippians 2:1-13. Dave Bobart was deacon. The lector was Michelle Olmstead. The crucifers were Abby and Sara Alexis and Annetta Treskon and Ryan Bassett were Communion Helpers. The appointed Psalm was from Psalm 97:1-6 and the songs were "This Joyful Eastertide,” “At the Name of Jesus,” and “O Day Full of Grace.” The First English choir sang “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” by J. Rutter and led by Joann Moorer. The choir includes Melanie Diaz Dodson, Chet Myers, Jorge Ramirez-Sanchez, Donna Tatro, Dot Stalberg, Tim Smith, Norah Worthington, and Aline Kuiper under the direction of Joann Moorer. Online and mail-in offerings support First English and the greater church in its ministries. Thank you so much to those of you who have been faithfully giving. If you’d like to text an offering, text 410-593-1853 with your dollar amount or give online under “Giving” at firstenglishchurch.org. Offerings may also be mailed to First English Lutheran (3807 N. Charles St., Baltimore MD 21218). One License - Annual License - Renewal A-719999 for Sep 21, 2021 - Sep 20, 2022 Annual reprint with podcasting | B, 26 to 100 average weekend attendance.