Top 10 Dark Simpsons Theories That Became A Reality Years Later
Top 10 Dark Simpsons Theories That Became A Reality Years Later Subscribe: / @top10scaryurbanlegends Follow Our Facebook Page!: / videos Newest Video: • Top 10 Bermuda Triangle Scary Urban L... In this video, we're exploring the Top 10 Dark Simpsons Theories That Became A Reality Years Later. These theories are definitely twisted, and some of them might make you laugh, but at the same time, they might make you scratch your head in confusion. Time Codes: 0:00- Intro 0:16- Smart Watch 1:00- Blinky 1:33- Michelangelo's David 2:15- Fox And Disney Merge 3:00- Trump 3:35- Facetime 4:15- The Matrix 5:00- Flu 5:25- Hornets 6:00- Tom Hanks #thesimpsons #urbanlegends #scary #top10 #top10scary #scaryurbanlegends #simpsons #simpsonspredictions #predictions #bartsimpsons #homersimpson #margesimpson #donaldtrump #trump #tomhanks #michelangelosdavid #fox #disney #thematrix #matrix #simpsonsmoments #simpsonmoments Hosted By: Andrew Deligero https://www.instagram.com/drewdelii/?... Host By: Youssef Awadalla Edited By: Saeed Khanfar: / khanfar.saeed Edited By: Dalia Y.