Can you beat Dead Island 2 with only your Fists?

Can you beat Dead Island 2 with only your Fists?

It only took them 12 Years, but they’ve finally done it. 12 Years I’ve waited to see all of the new weapons they’ve introduced to the game, all of the new skills and perks that they’ve given us to slay zombies with. Just so I could ignore them and use my meat hooks instead! Or as I call them, the Chin Slappers…. I named them after my nuts. Sure, this game has hundreds of weapons to make use of but do you really need them? Are they even worth picking up? Do you enjoy fisting Zombies? Can you beat Dead Island 2 using only your fists? As with all my challenges, I like to lay down some ground rules first before we jump into this zombie slaying shit show. The rules for this one are pretty simple, I can only use my fists as a primary weapon. This means no melee weapons, no guns and no curveballs! Along with my fists, I’m also able to use my feet, simply because it makes the run more enjoyable and you technically can’t beat the challenge without it! Find this video Interesting? Have a look at a few of my others! Resident Evil 4 Remake - Knife Only -    • Can You Beat the Resident Evil 4 Rema...   Resident Evil 4 Remake - BT Only -    • Can You Beat the Resident Evil 4 Rema...   Resident Evil 4 Remake - Pistol Only -    • Can You Beat the Resident Evil 4 Rema...   Atomic Heart Melee Only -    • Can You Beat Atomic Heart With Only T...