RESIDENT EVIL 5 4K Walkthrough Gameplay Chapter 5-2 Experimental Facility(Veteran)(NO COMMENTARY)

RESIDENT EVIL 5 4K Walkthrough Gameplay Chapter 5-2 Experimental Facility(Veteran)(NO COMMENTARY)

Experimental Facility Power Station Experimental Facility Passage Missile Area 1st Floor Uroboros Research Facility Walk down the hallway until you come to a ledge, jump down and there will be several boxes containing Flame Rounds, Pistol Ammo, a Grenade and, Rifle Ammo, continue towards the door and there will be Pistol ammo in the left corner. Continue through the door and it will trigger a cut scene. Boss: Uroboros Mkono Defeating the Boss: Both players should shoot the limbs until there is one remaining, then one player should grab the flamethrower. Once that player has it, the other needs to shoot off the last limb. After it is gone, the player with the flamethrower should barrage Uroboros with it, once the weak spots appear, the flamethrower is there to hold him in this vulnerable state whilst the other player shoots the weak spots. If you want to make life easy (even on Professional) just bring a Rocket Launcher and it's an instant kill. As a note, there are 5 Flame Round for the Grenade Launcher just before entering, 3 Incendiary Grenades in the 'arena', and there are three gas canisters that you can force Mkono to pick up. Incendiary Grenades and Flame Rounds are surprisingly effective at driving out his weak points. You can also destroy his arms to negate the attack he used it with. Attacks Uroboros will lash out his incredibly long arm to hit you (20 – 30 feet). This is dodgeable if you press the correct button on time. He uses his left arm for this. Uroboros will detach his arm and it will come crawling towards you, dodgeable if you press the correct buttons on time. If it hits you, you will suffer damage and health drain as the leeches crawl around you. He uses his right arm for this. Uroboros will slash sideways and knock you over. He uses his right arm for this. He will use a grab attack on you that you will have to escape from, also covering you in leeches that will drain your health slowly. He can use this without arms.