The Mystery Of The First Fruit | Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo | COZA 12DG 2023, Day 1 | 02-01-2023
God likes The First, He doesn't like leftovers. Giving God The First is not a suggestion or a Church doctrine, it's what God demands. Attached to paying your First Fruit, are tremendous Blessings and untold Favours. If the first is Holy, the rest will be Holy. Watch, learn and engage this mystery to live a life of peace and prosperity Preacher: Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo Sermon Title: The Mystery Of The First Fruit Service: COZA 12 Days Of Glory 2023 Day 1, Evening Session (02-01-2023) CHAPTERS: 00:00 - 00:31 Pray In Tongues 00:31 - 03:26 Worship 3:26 - 05:09 Pray In Tongues 5:09 - 07:09 Prayer 7:09 - 07:43 General Celebrations/Greetings 7:43 - 08:35 The Real Work Is Finishing 8:35 - 11 :25 Receiving And Understanding The Truth 10:37 - 13:10 Understanding The Mystery Of First Fruit 13:10 - 16:28 God Wants To Be The First And The Last 16:28 - 17:41 The First Belongs To God 17:41 - 18:04 You Still Have 90 Percent 18:04 - 19:20 God Likes The First 19:20 - 19:58 Honour Is The Protocol In The Kingdom You Belong To. 19:58 - 21:58 Why Some Have Results And Others Don't 21:58 - 22:48 Obedience Before Sacrifice 22:48 - 25:06 Deliverance From Demons But Not From People 25:06 - 26:46 Delayed Obedience Is Rebellion And Half Obedience Is Disobedience 26:46 - 27:08 If You Don't Come To Jesus, You have Not Come 27:08 - 28:56 God Let Go Of His First Fruit (Jesus) To Bring Many Sons To Glory 28:56 - 29:22 Seek First The Kingdom Of God 29:22 - 30:40 Giving Of First Fruit Is A Proof That God Has Helped You 30:40 - 30:59 God Wants Your First Harvest 30:59 - 31:49 God Honours Those Who Honour Him 32:49 - 33:29 The Principle Remains The Same; The First Belongs To The Lord 33:29 - 36:03 Israel Is God's First Fruit Of Increase 36:03 - 37:41 If You Pay First Fruit, You Are Hidden In Christ 37:41 - 40:45 First Fruit Is Powerful 40:45 - 42:13 Bring The Best Of It To The Lord 42:13 - 42:47 What The Devil Fears 42:47 - 43:23 The Only Thing Compared To God In The Bible 43:23 - 47:34 Give At Your Level 47:34 - 49:24 Prosper For Yourself 49:24 - 51:51 When God Places Something In Your Life, You Must Say It 51:51 - 53:55 First Fruit Is A Covenant 53:55 - 55:12 What God Brings To You Depends On What You Are Able To Walk Away From 55:12 - 56:40 You Fail In Your Business Because God Didn't Go With You 56:40 - 57:32 Give The First To God 57:32 - 58:55 If The First Is Holy, The Rest Will Be Holy 58:55 - 1:00:25 Don't Delay To Offer The First 1:00:25 - 1:03:02 Jump Up, Come Down, Grow Up, Stay There 1:03:02 - 1:10:15 Prayer ____________________________________ Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the Global Senior Pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA): A global church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately. To give and support our ministry click any of the following links: paypal.me/COZAGLOBAL, https://cash.app/$GiveCoza, https://give.coza.org.ng/ #PastorBiodun #BiodunFatoyinbo #COZAGlobal To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ click here: https://partners.coza.org.ng/ If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: praisereports@cozaglobal.org WATCH OTHER VIDEOS • Training To Reign | Pastor Biodun Fat... • Inheritors Of The Promise | Pastor Bi... FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA Get daily inspiring and edifying content on The Reverend Biodun Fatoyinbo's Social Media! Facebook: / biodunfatoyinbo Instagram: / biodunfatoyinbo