Eye Witness of Jesus! Letter of Pilate Describes Jesus in SHOCKING Detail to Caesar!

Eye Witness of Jesus! Letter of Pilate Describes Jesus in SHOCKING Detail to Caesar!

Something incredible has just been discovered. A famous letter written by Pilate describes Jesus in great detail. Do you know about the gospel of Nicodemus? This gospel is very important and it contains many ideas that influenced the Middle Ages. It is also known as the acts of Pilate and it has two parts. The first part explains the passion of Jesus. The first part also contains the different testimonies that were said for and against Jesus which the governor was hearing. After hearing all the testimonies, and listening to the demands of Jesus, he finally ordered to execute Jesus. After the resurrection, pilate came to know that Jesus was still alive. He even gets evidence for this. The second part of the gospel is an appendix. This is framed as a conversation between two characters. It is believed that these two characters were brought back from the dead during the time of Jesus’s resurrection. These two characters explain the things that happened in hell and how Jesus helped the people there. But do you think we can trust this gospel blindly? No evidence or proof makes us believe that this book is authentic. However, if you are a person who values faith more than science, then you can indeed go ahead and trust this gospel. This book is written 300 years after the resurrection of Jesus. This gospel contains very important details about Pilate and many other things. The conversion of Pilate to Christianity is also mentioned in this gospel. But these are not supported in the bible and no reference of this gospel can be found in any ancient Christian text. Many medieval ideas were influenced by this gospel and thus it was an important text in that time. When we read this book, we can find it saying that Jesus went to hell by breaking its gate and rescuing the people who were captivated there. We cannot say that this gospel is an official source for studying history. It is believed that Jesus met Pilate. When we take a look at the Bible, we can see that Pilate did not want to execute Jesus. But what we always heard about Pilate is that he was a cruel man and didn't care about anyone. It seems to be wrong now. Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/godofrevelation Join the Community 👉 https://bit.ly/godmembership Our Most Popular Videos 👉 https://bit.ly/godmostpopular Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/godofrevelation Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/godofrevelation Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/godofrevelation #jesus #pilate #letter #bible #chrsitianity #catholic Eye-Witness of Jesus! Letter of Lentulus Describes Jesus in Great Detail to Caesar of Rome!    • Eye-Witness of Jesus! Letter of Lentu...