Antiochian Orthodox Sunday Homily for April 21, 2024 - Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
Welcome to our weekly #AntiochianOrthodox homily recording from Taneytown, MD, USA featuring Father Timothy Barkley. ⇛ Today's Readings: ST. PAUL'S LETTER TO THE HEBREWS 9:11-14 MARK 10:32-45 Source: https://www.antiochian.org/epistleliturgic... Please subscribe and visit our website for more information about our Church and upcoming events! If you have any questions about the Orthodox faith that you would like to see explored, let us know in the comments below! 🔗 Saint James Calendar of Events Page: https://www.stjamesorthodoxchurch.org/cale... ►►►SUBSCRIBE: / @saintjamesorthodoxchristia1451 ►►►DONATE: https://tithe.ly/give?c=1939466 Website: https://www.stjamesorthodoxchurch.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StJamesOrthodoxCh... #Christian #Orthodox