Saints Row 2 is Still an Absolute Masterpiece

Saints Row 2 is Still an Absolute Masterpiece

Saints Row is a series defined by other games, for better or for worse. The earlier games, Saints row 1 and 2, were defined by its similarities to the Grand Theft Auto franchise, whilst the later games, Saints Row 3, 4 and beyond, were defined by trying to move as far away from GTA as possible. When a series’ identity is based on people’s comparisons to a completely different game, if you’re always trying to escape the shadow of something else... how do you even create something unique? This is the question Saints Row 2 had to answer, and arguably, absolutely mastered in every way possible... watch to find out how ofc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Saints Row 1 Footage Source:    • Saints Row Full Game Walkthrough - No...   JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER:   / discord   JOIN PVP HUB (ANOTHER GOOD SERVER)   / discord   Social Media Links: Twitter - @iistura Instagram - @istura.insta #saintsrow Channels you should watch too (they're very good I promise) MetPro SOWC -    / metprosowc   Putther -    / putther   Joker For Life -    • These OPPRESSOR MK2 Griefers Always T...   UVersusPro -    / uversuspro   Dark Space -    / darkspacestudios   Nitrix Warlord -    / nitrixwarlordd   ByKrille -    / @bykrille   DiscordiaD -    / @discordiadd   REAL Savage Salty Cabbage -    / @real_ssc