The Walking Dead - YES OMG LEE - Episode 3 (Broken Toys) - Part 2 no commentary
The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 3 (TWD Game). This video will contain The Walking Dead Game Season 4. This series will contain a full walkthrough of The Walking Dead game from beginning to end. The Walking Dead is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure survival horror video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on The Walking Dead comic book series, the game consists of four episodes. How has it taken me this long to play this game! This easily takes top 10 games for me and I'm not even done with Season Four... I hope y'all enjoy my first playthrough of The Walking Dead! If you like the video make sure to subscribe and like https://www.twitch.tv/jpog001 / @jpog-cl6vo9lw8q