Hello my wonderful friends! Today I have literally the easiest recipe ever for you! You only need two ingredients to make it too! In order to make these super easy Potato & Veggie Patties you will need potatoes, any veggies of choice and optional seasonings. I like adding garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, cumin and chipotle seasoning to mine. I love how easy these are to make and the fact that you can stretch this mixture out to make many, many meals. You can also make not just patties but also veggie meat balls or bites using this recipe. I love having recipes like this! I get to save time, energy and money by making these yummy potato and veggie patties! If you are trying to shed some weight these would be an awesome alternative to store bought high calorie burgers or veggies bites. You can still lose weight and eat yummy food! I hope you enjoy these super easy to make, healthy and absolutely guilt free patties as much as I do! ☆ You can easily make these patties Mary's Mini compliant by using non starchy veggies. I feel like any veggies you have on hand will work fine. I use a variety of veggies depending on what I have available and they always turn out great! ☆ POTATO & VEGGIE PATTIES Ingredients: 4-5 lbs of potatoes 4-5 cups of veggies (I used frozen veggies, my favorite is brocolli and green beans) seasonings of choice (optional) 1. I cook my potatoes in my 6 quart Instant Pot (about 4-5 lbs of potatoes) for 20 minutes and allow it to naturally release. You can also cook potatoes in a regular pot on the stove if you don't have an Instant Pot. 2. Cook up 5-6 cups of frozen mixed veggies on a frying pan using water or broth to saute them. 3. Add the potatoes into a large mixing bowl and mash them up. Depending on the size of the bowl, you may need to do this in batches. 4. Add in the cooked veggies and mix well. 5. Add in any optional seasonings or spices of choice. 6. Shape into patties and pop them into the air-fryer to cook up. You can also use the oven if you don't have a air-fryer available to you. I cook mine at 350 F for 14 minutes, flipping them half way. Adjust the timing according to the size of patty you make. I dip mine in sugar free ketchup most of the time. I also like to make veggie burgers using this recipe too. Health, Joy & Positive Vibes, Debbie ~VeganMommyDee~ CONNECT WITH ME! IG,Twitter & Pinterest- @VeganMommyDee FB- VMD Health & Wellness BLOG- www.veganmommydee.com If you would like to learn more about Dr. Mcdougall's Starch Solution Diet or his Maximum Weighloss approach then please check out his amazing website. It's loaded with useful information. I will also link a webinar which Dr.McDougall and his wife Mary answer most common questions about the diet. https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/ed... I'm not a medical expert or dietitian and suggest you talk to your doctor before starting any new diet. My videos and social media posts are based on my own experiences. We are all different and what works for me me, may not work for you. My videos are for information and entertainment purposes. In the event that you use the information I provide on my website, videos or social media posts, I assume no responsibility.