Pre-debut SKZ! First Time Reaction to Stray Kids "Hellevator" and "Fam" YHT Reacts

Pre-debut SKZ! First Time Reaction to Stray Kids "Hellevator" and "Fam" YHT Reacts

Checking out more Stray Kids with Bee- first time reaction to Stray Kids "Hellevator" and "Fam"! #straykids #firsttimereaction #kpopreaction Brand new podcast format! Wednesday we will be focusing on a new artist/group every week and react to a couple of MVs and a guide (or some sort of behind the scenes content) as well as our podcast where we discuss, we hope you join us 💖🦄🐝 Original Videos: "Hellevator"    • Stray Kids "Hellevator" M/V   "Fam"    • Stray Kids "FAM (Korean Ver.)" M/V   Check out our Patreon for exclusive reactions, podcast polls, and the opportunity to choose songs/artists for us to react to!   / yallhearingthis