Screen went black on 2016 Chevy malibu!!

Screen went black on 2016 Chevy malibu!!

My screen went black on my link screen. Everything on the screen still seemed to work. I just had to guess on the buttons I wanted. So I bought a replacement stereo from ebay for 55$. After I installed the replacement it worked but showed to be locked. I took it to the dealership to get reprogrammed. They said they couldn't get it to unlock because the mylink stereo I bought was the wrong part number. So I took the car home and was fed up with it because it's been like 6 months that it's been black. So i took the screen off the replacement and attached it to my messed up deck. I'll explain In the video what I did. I'm sorry it's not the best video, but I did it fast after I found out it worked!!! I made this quick video incase someone else had this problem. It would of helped me. #Chevy #MyLinkStereo #BlackScreen #QuickVideo #Stereo #FixedStereo