미갈의 순수한 사랑
미갈은 다윗을 사랑하였고, 또 다윗을 미워하였습니다 그녀를 어떻게 평가해야 할까요? [참고도서] Aschkenasy Nehama, Woman at the Window: Biblical Tales of Oppression and Escape,Wayne State University Press, 1998 Bar-Efrat Shimon Narrative Art in the Bible, Sheffield Academic Press, 1989 Brueggemann Walter, First and Second Samuel Interpretation (현대성서주석 사무엘상하), 한국장로교출판사, 2000 Eskenazi C Tamara, “Michal in Hebrew Sources,” in D J A Clines and T C Eskenazi (eds ), Telling Queen Michal's Story: An Experiment in Comparative Interpretation (JSOTSup, 119; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991), 157-174 Exum J Cheryl, "Michal," in Carol Meyers, Women in Scripture: A Dictionary of Named and Unnamed Women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical Books, and the New Testament, Eerdmans, 2000 Exum J Cheryl, Fragmented Women(산산이 부서진 여성들), 김상래 외 옮김, 한들출판사, 2001 Henry Matthew, Matthew Henry’s commentary on the Whole Bible Volume 1 Genesis-Esther, Guardian Press, 1976 Higgs Liz Curtis, Bad Girls of the Bible(성경 속의 악녀들), 김창동 옮김, 좋은 씨앗, 2002 Klein W Ralph, WBC v10, 1 Samuel, (WBC 성경주석 사무엘상), 김경열 옮김, 솔로몬출판사, 2004 Kuyper Abraham, Women of the Old Testament, trans Henry Zylstra; Grand Rapdis, 1933 Laffey L Alice, An Introduction to the Old Testament(여성신학을 위한 구약 개론), 장춘식 옮김, 대한기독교서회, 2003 Robinson Gnana Let Us Be Like the Nations: A Commentary on the Books of 1 and 2 Samuel, Eerdmans, 1993 Shearing S Linda “ Michal ” in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, (New York: Doubleday, 1992), IV 김순영, 어찌하여 그 여자와 이야기하십니까? 꽃자리, 2017 박유미, 오늘 다시 만나는 구약 여성, 헵시바총신여성동문, 2022 한미라, 여자가 성서를 읽을 때, 대한기독교서회, 2002 홍경원, 본문의 미갈과 해석된 미갈, 신학연구 51, 2007 12, 75-99(25pages) #미갈 #다윗 #사랑