Guess WHO Ruined Kratos Freya Moments - God Of War Ragnarok

Guess WHO Ruined Kratos Freya Moments - God Of War Ragnarok

Atreus is really annoying i must say, he ruined many moments of Kratos earlier also because of his irritating childish behavior uggghhh. Like the 2018 installment, Ragnarök is set in the world of Norse mythology, taking place three years after the previous game. While only six of the nine realms of Norse mythology could be explored in the 2018 game, Ragnarök sees the player exploring each of the nine realms, and unlike the previous installment, all nine realms are visited as part of the story; the fiery realm Muspelheim and the fog realm Niflheim, now covered with ice and snow, were previously just optional realms to explore. The other returning realms include Alfheim, the home of the dark and light Elves, Helheim, the land of the dead, and Jötunheim, the land of the Giants. Midgard, the primary realm of the 2018 installment, has become a frigid wasteland, dramatically changed by Fimbulwinter, a three-year long winter that began upon the conclusion of the previous game. The Lake of the Nine, previously navigable by means of a boat in the previous game, is now frozen over. Previously inaccessible realms include Svartalfheim, the industrial abode of the Dwarves; Vanaheim, the lush home of the Vanir gods as well as the giant wolves Sköll and Hati; and Asgard, the humble home of the Æsir gods that is only visited as part of the story and cannot be accessed after its conclusion. #kratos fight ng plus #godofwarragnarok #god of war ragnarok new game gameplay #kratos new game plus armor #god of war ragnarok new game + Thank You for checking out the Channel and hopefully you find a reason to stick to it, if you haven't already, Subscribe for more GTA5 / Online and God Of War content. Subscribe Me Here : Spunky Icheeko:    / spunkyicheeko   GuLaBo tHe gAmEr:    / @gulabothegamer   Follow Me on My Website & other Social Links: Website : Instagram :   / spunkyicheeko   Twitter :   / spunkyicheeko   Pinterest :   / spunkyicheeko   TikTok :   / spunkyicheeko   #kratos #atreus