영양이풍부한 버섯덮밥.  Mushroom rice bowl rich in nutrients that  know even if you  ASMR

영양이풍부한 버섯덮밥. Mushroom rice bowl rich in nutrients that know even if you ASMR

안녕하세요 상류층 입니다^^ 오늘은 영양 만점인 버섯덮밥을 해보았습니다 버섯의식감과 야채의 식감 단무지랑 같이먹으니까 최고입니다^^ 버섯에는 각종영양소와 야채영양소까지 먹으니까 건강해지는 느낌입니다^^ 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 구독 좋아요는 저에게 큰힘이 됩니다 ^^ Hello, this is the upper class^^ Today, mushroom rice bowl that is full of nutrition that I tried it The texture of mushrooms and vegetables It’s the best because I eat it with pickled radish To mushrooms, various nutrients and vegetable nutrients It feels like eating healthily^^ Thanks for watching subscribe Like is a great strength for me ^^ #버섯덮밥#영양이풍부한#구독좋아요#알람설정#건강한식단 #ASMR#혼밥