How to Lay Down Wood Chips in a Garden
🌳🪵 How to Lay Wood Chips in Your Garden: Step-by-Step! 🪵🌳 In today’s garden update, we’re sharing how to properly lay down wood chips to keep those pathways neat and weed-free! 👉 Step 1: Clear All Weeds - Don’t just pull the tops; make sure you’re getting those roots too! 👉 Step 2: Lay Contractor’s Paper - This adds a strong barrier. In weed-heavy areas, double up for extra protection. 👉 Step 3: Spread Wood Chips - Add a good 4-6 inch layer of wood chips on top. This will help suppress any weeds trying to make a comeback and keeps our paths tidy and safe! Remember, any weeds left behind WILL push through eventually, so take your time and do it right! Let’s keep our garden beautiful and inviting. 🌱🛠️ #Gardening101 #WoodChips #GardenMaintenance #WeedControl #SunflowerCommunityGarden #DIYGardenTips #GardenLife