Flu or Cold Remedy: Bean Sprout Tofu Soup #fluremedy  #coldremedy  #beansprouts #tofusoup

Flu or Cold Remedy: Bean Sprout Tofu Soup #fluremedy #coldremedy #beansprouts #tofusoup

CORRECTION: I meant to say the sprouts come from soy beans, but you can use mung bean sprouts. Bean sprout tofu healing soup for flu or cold remedy. #fluremedy #coldremedy #coldremedies #fluremedies #souprecipe #soup #beansprout #beansprouts #healingfood #healingfoods #mooncho #yinandyangliving #yinandyang #yinyang #tofu #tofusoup #tofurecipe #tofurecipes Also Watch: TURNIP WATERCRESS SOUP TO BOOST IMMUNE SYSTEM:    • Immune Boosting Food: Vegan Turnip Wa...   INGREDIENTS: 1 bag of mung bean sprouts 1 firm tofu cake 3-4 stalks of green onion 4 -5 garlic cloves 2 tablespoons of dried mushroom seasoning with salt in it 1 teaspoon of pepper 10 cups of water