Books and Apps that will CHANGE your LIFE Forever!!!

Books and Apps that will CHANGE your LIFE Forever!!!

We don't gatekeep on this channel, you asked and we answered, all the books and apps you need to have to make this journey of life easier for you. They cover a vast variety of topics on Marriage, Courtship, Country living, Devotional life, Natural Remedies, Cookbooks, Parenting, and everything to do with making life Simple. Remember, Life is based on the decisions we make and in order to make the best decisions, we need to be equipped with the right knowledge and wisdom that comes through the Holy Spirit. I hope you read these books and are equipped with the right wisdom to discern good and bad. God bless you, Have a blessed rest of the week. Amazon storefront link⬇️⬇️⬇️ (I do earn some commission when you purchase using my link but it doesn’t affect the price of your purchase at all) 🌐💖 Stay connected and never miss an update! 🎉😊