Mass for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time at the Border Town Parishes (September 17, 2023)

Mass for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time at the Border Town Parishes (September 17, 2023)

MASS FOR THE 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AT THE BORDER TOWN PARISHES (SEPTEMBER 17, 2023) Fr. Pete Jankowski offers this Liturgy on location inside St. Anne's Catholic Church and Shrine (St. Anne, IL) on behalf of the parishioners of St. Patrick's Church (Momence) and the National Shrine of St. Anne (St. Anne) who are not able to attend services. Everyone is invited to our indoor liturgies at the border town parishes (we have plenty of room)! Referencing the good work of the Momence Police Department and the local community's effort to support what they do (which we really should do with all our police officers throughout the country), Fr. Pete distinguishes the work of civil law vs. God's love, that the former needs to be committed to the good of society by protecting its citizenry and the latter must be dedicated to offer forgiveness and love whenever possible!!! To view Fr. Pete’s twelve-part series “Stories on the Journey” (from Shalom World TV) or to purchase Fr. Pete’s homily series of the same name, feel free to visit Please continue to support our local parishes – we need your support to continue spreading God’s mercy during these difficult times. To support the mission of St. Patrick's Church, please contact us at (815) 472-2864 or write us at 119 North Market Street - Momence, IL 60954. You can also access the parish website at and click on the "Online Giving" link, following the directions on your computer screen. To support the mission of the National Shrine of St. Anne, please contact us at (815) 427-8265 or write us at 230 N 6th Ave - St. Anne, IL 60964. You can also access the parish website at and click on the "Online Giving" link.