4/28/24 - Crosswater Community Church, Sultan, WA - Sunday Worship Service

4/28/24 - Crosswater Community Church, Sultan, WA - Sunday Worship Service

#JESUS #sundaysermon #church #whollyholy #thegospel #setapart #sultanwa As followers of Jesus, we are called to be 'Set Apart' from the ways of the world, pursuing holiness as we live by HIS grace, for HIS glory, and in HIS power to bring about HIS Kingdom in and through HIS people. We are “Set Apart” for a purpose, to intentionally live lives of obedient faith and holiness “for the sake of HIS name among all the nations.” It seems almost too easy to say "I believe in JESUS" and yet really impossible to follow all of the Bible's rules. As CHRIST followers our belief in JESUS is really bragging about how awesome of a Saviour HE is and thus leads us to live out our faith as fruit of that belief. What are you believing and what are you bragging about? Discussion Questions - When was the last time you bragged about something? What was it you bragged about? Please re-read Romans 3:27 - 28 & James 2:14-26 How do you reconcile these two passages? Please read 1 Corinthians 1:28-31 What are some examples of boasting in the LORD? Please re-read Romans 3:29 - 31 How does the reality that everyone who has saving faith in JESUS is saved and will actually fulfill the law by believing and consequently following JESUS, encourage, challenge and inspire you in your faith, living it out and share JESUS with others? Where in your life are you prone to avoid following JESUS' two greatest commandments: loving GOD and loving others? Please take time to ask GOD for wisdom and courage to live out faithfully HIS Greatest Commandments. To see this week's bulletin, submit a prayer request or reach out with comments/questions, be sure to visit the Crosswater app Subscribe to our sermons playlist:    • Sunday Sermons   Help us transform our community and the world with the love and life of Jesus Christ by giving to Crosswater: http://crosswaterchurch.org/give —— Stay Connected Website: http://crosswaterchurch.org/ Crosswater Community Church Facebook:   / crosswaterchurch   Crosswater Community Church Instagram:   / crosswatersultan   Crosswater Community Church Twitter:   / crosswatercc   CCLI License: 20128712; 3134836