Worship Service " Stir Up!"

Worship Service " Stir Up!"

In our faith tradition, the last Sunday of the Church Year is known as “Reign of Christ Sunday” or “Christ the King Sunday.” In some parts of the world, it is also known as “Stir Up Sunday” where people get ready for Christmas by preparing Christmas Fruit Cake or Plum Pudding. A part of the reason for this is that the traditional opening prayer for this Sunday begins with “Stir up your power, O Lord, and come.” Hearing these words would remind families to go home after church and “stir up” a fruit cake or plum pudding together that would be served later as part of the Christmas celebrations. The picture we are using for this introduction for Sunday is an example of a family stirring things up. In celebration of the Reign of Christ, the realization of God’s dream for the world, and Stir Up Sunday, we at Eden will be stirring up our own fruit cake together as part of our worship service. We will hear a story of how making a fruit cake brought a community together during a difficult time and be reflecting on the different ingredients of a fruit cake as they relate to our community and the life of faith. The fruit cake that we will make will be a birthday cake for Jesus, which will be served on Christmas Eve. Scriptures: Revelation 1:4-6; Philippians 2:1-5 Thank you for watching!!! Eden is celebrating 200 years of service to the community. Thank you for helping us celebrate this important anniversary, by helping us reach over 200 subscribers! If you have subscribed please continue to like, share and comment as it helps us to reach more people. If you haven’t subscribed, we could always use another hundred as we look to our future! Links to the current week’s order of Service • https://www.edenunitedchurch.com/orde... Music in this service Prelude: Prelude in G. by F. Mendelssohn Let us Build a House MV 1 Joyful, joyful we adore you, VU 232 v. 1, 3 In Loving Partnership VU 603 “These Hands’ by Dave Gunning One Bread, One Body VU 467 “King Of Heaven by Paul Baloche Offertory: Offertory in Eb by T. Dubois We Gather Here VU 469 Grateful MV 182 We Are Marchin 646 Postlude: Arioso by B. Marcello Though you might see advertising, this video is not monetized. Only YouTube benefits from any advertising you see. Ads are based on your viewing history. Eden receives no revenue from YouTube. If you would like to support the work that Eden does, please go to: • https://www.edenunitedchurch.com/giving For more information about the many programs that Eden offers for all members of the wider community please visit our website: http://wwwEdenUnitedChurch.com • https://www.edenunitedchurch.com/upco... Streaming Licences: One License #A-735251. CCLI License #2717577 #wisdom #unitedchurchofcanada #Edenucmiss #mississauga #mississaugachurch #christianchurch #worship #worshipservice #worshipfromhome #community #nindfulness #presence #blessings #readiness