5 signs Universe is trying to tell you something | ब्रह्मांड के संकेत को समझो । University tak

5 signs Universe is trying to tell you something | ब्रह्मांड के संकेत को समझो । University tak

5 signs Universe is trying to tell you something | ब्रह्मांड के संकेत को समझो । Peeyush Prabhat We are never alone power of universe is always working for us. Sometimes universe wants to give us some guidance or insights in it's own language. If we can pick and follow our life can shift tremendously.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Peeyush is an Orthopedic surgeon, keynote speaker and a Coach, who has combined the scientific research on MIND with wisdom of SPIRITUALITY to unlock the infinite powers of mind. He has a vision of empowering the hearts to explore their passion and become unstoppable. He is a perfect example of marriage between the advanced medical science of west and sacred spirituality of east. #universTak