Garlic Parmesan Chicken (DaChinShow)

Garlic Parmesan Chicken (DaChinShow)

Garlic Parmesan Chicken Skewers (DaChinShow) Slice chicken into 1” long strips ½ tsp Kosher salt 1 tbsp Garlic powder 1 tbsp Onion powder 1 tsp Cumin 1 tsp Paprika ½ cup Fresh parsley chopped Dried parsley 4 tbsp unsalted softened butter ½ cup Parmesan Cheese shredded Garlic Confit Add garlic cloves and olive oil to an oven safe bowl. You will need enough olive oil to cover the garlic Roast at 250F for 20min Remove from oven and mash garlic with a fork Make Garlic Butter To a small mixing bowl add the softened butter, garlic confit, parmesan cheese, ¼ cup fresh parsley, black pepper and salt. Use a spatula to combine Split garlic butter into 2 bowls. (One bowl will be to dress raw chicken and the other for the cooked chicken) Season the Chicken Add sliced chicken to a mixing bowl and add kosher salt, garlic powder, cumin, paprika, ¼ cup fresh and dried parsley. Give it a good toss Skewer chicken, making sure there are no loose ends hanging out Brush garlic butter all over chicken skewers and bake in a preheated oven at 350F for 20 mins Remove from oven and brush with more garlic butter. Finish with a sprinkle of cheese and serve! ============================= EQUIPMENT USED TO FILM ============================= Disclosure: Most of these are affiliate links - if you buy anything through them (even if it's not the linked item) I'll receive a small percentage, which helps support my channel. == FOLLOW ME == Instagram /Dachinshow /Lai4life /willychinremix Facebook  /willychinremix @willychinremix @dachinshow Thanks for watching today!