[중간광고없음] 처음 만난 사람과도 편하게 말해바영 모아듣기 #smalltalk #역할극 #빈칸채우기 #영어말하기 #다양한예문

[중간광고없음] 처음 만난 사람과도 편하게 말해바영 모아듣기 #smalltalk #역할극 #빈칸채우기 #영어말하기 #다양한예문

대화를 통째로 듣고 말하고 익혀보세요 문장을 따로따로 하나하나 외우지 말고, 대화 속에서 맥락 속에서 자연스럽게 익혀보세요 많이 듣고, 많이 말하고, 많이 써보세요 (대화듣기-주요표현-뜻&듣고따라하기-다시듣기-빈곳채우기 -문장완성-B로대화-A로대화-주요표현-다시듣기) 0:02 헬스장에서 나누는 두 사람의 대화 Person A: Hey, excuse me Your workout routine looks intense! Person B: Oh, thanks! I’ve been working on strength training lately Person A: That’s awesome I’m pretty new to this Any tips for a beginner? Person B: Sure! Start with lighter weights to get the form right Consistency is key Person A: Got it How often do you usually work out? Person B: About 4–5 times a week It depends on my schedule How about you? Person A: I’m aiming for 3 times a week to start Hopefully, I can stick to it! Person B: That’s a great start Let me know if you need any help with your form Person A: 저기요, 실례합니다 운동 루틴이 정말 강도 있어 보이네요! Person B: 아, 고맙습니다! 요즘 근력 운동을 한창 하고 있어요 Person A: 멋지네요 저는 이제 막 시작했어요 초보자에게 주실만한 팁 있으세요? Person B: 물론이죠! 자세를 제대로 잡기 위해 더 가벼운 무게로 시작하세요 꾸준함이 핵심이에요 Person A: 알겠습니다 보통 얼마나 자주 운동하세요? Person B: 주 4~5회 정도요 스케줄에 따라 달라요 당신은요? Person A: 저는 일단 주 3회를 목표로 하고 있어요 꾸준히 매진할수 있기를 바라요! Person B: 정말 좋은 시작이에요 자세 도움 필요하시면 말씀해주세요 1 Your workout routine looks intense! - The movie was so intense - His training schedule is really intense - The heat today is intense - She has an intense personality 2 Do you have any tips for a beginner? - Can you share any advice for someone just starting out? - What would you recommend for a beginner? - Any suggestions for a good starting point? 3 How often do you usually work out? - How often do you usually train legs? - How often do you usually take rest days? - How often do you usually change your routine? - How often do you usually go running? 4 It depends on my schedule - It depends on the weather - It depends on my mood - It depends on the price - It depends on what you want 21:08 치팅데이를 가진 고객과 잔소리하는 트레이너의 대화 Trainer: Hey! How was your weekend? Client: It was good, but I have to admit, I had a cheat day on Saturday Trainer: A cheat day, huh? What did you have? Client: I went a bit overboard with burgers, fries, and a milkshake Trainer: That’s quite the indulgence! Remember, cheat days should be moderate Client: I know, I just couldn’t resist It was so good Trainer: I get it, but we need to stay focused on your goals Client: You’re right I’ll be more careful next time Trainer: 안녕하세요! 주말은 어땠어요? Client: 좋았어요, 하지만 인정할수밖에 없어요, 토요일에 치팅데이를 가졌어요 Trainer: 치팅데이요? 뭐 드셨어요? Client: 햄버거, 감자튀김, 그리고 밀크쉐이크로 좀 과하게 먹었어요 Trainer: 제대로 즐겼네요! 기억하세요, 치팅데이는 적당해야해요 Client: 알아요, 도저히 참을 수가 없었어요 너무 맛있었어요 Trainer: 이해는 하지만, 우리는 목표에 집중해야 해요 Client: 맞아요 다음번엔 더 조심할게요 1 I had a cheat day - I usually have a cheat day once a week - It’s important to enjoy a cheat day every now and then - After my cheat day, I get back to my regular diet - She enjoyed her cheat day with some pizza and ice cream 2 I went a bit overboard with burgers - He went overboard with the decorations for the party - Don’t go overboard with the salt in this recipe - They went overboard with their celebration - I think I went overboard with my workout yesterday 3 I just couldn’t resist - I just couldn’t resist buying it - I just couldn’t resist petting it - I couldn’t help myself - I gave in - I had to 4 We need to stay focused on your goals - He tries to stay focused on his studies - They stay focused on their fitness goals - She stays focused by setting clear goals - It’s important to stay focused during your workout