Creasy's Art Is Death (From "Man On Fire") (Official Audio)
Taken from the action thriller, Man On Fire, composed by Harry Gregson-Williams. Listen to the entire soundtrack: • Man On Fire (Original Motion Picture ... Released on acclaimed film score, soundtrack and cast recording label Varese Sarabande, distributed by Craft Recordings. Subscribe to Varese Sarabande on YouTube: https://found.ee/VareseYouTube Shop For Varese Sarabande vinyl and more: https://varesesarabande.com/ Follow Varese Sarabande: Facebook: / varesesarabanderecords Instagram: / varesesarabande Twitter: / varesesarabande TikTok: / varesesarabande Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/vareses... Subscribe to Craft Recordings on YouTube: https://found.ee/craft-youtube-subscribe Follow Craft Recordings: Website: https://Craftrecordings.com Newsletter: https://found.ee/CraftNewsletter YouTube: https://found.ee/CraftYouTube Facebook: https://found.ee/CraftFB Twitter: https://found.ee/CraftTwitter Instagram: https://found.ee/CraftIG Spotify: https://found.ee/CraftSpotify TikTok: https://found.ee/CraftTikTok Shop the Craft Recordings store for vinyl, box sets and more: https://found.ee/CraftStore-e